Item Database

Genral information on the purpose of the database

The intention of Item database is to help players find out item stats. However you can search item stats only when you have seen the item on a player or mob and know its name (or atleast part of the item name), in addition you need to know item wear position. Shortly put, you will have to know gear slot and part of the item name for this to work.

Select item slot:

badge wieled hold shield light ring finger head face ear eyes neck shoulders
arms wrist hands finger chest body about body waist crotch legs ankles feet

Enter item name:

Select item slot. Enter item name, at least 3 symbols.

WARNING! Builders might change item stats at any time, that might result of item name or properties being incorrect.
I have removed most useless stat (junk) items, scrolls, wands, staffs, potions, keys etc. also removed.

Please mudmail Plague if you notice missing or incorrect information.