Congratulations Tayn has advanced to the Hero ranks! Well done!
Azazel has achieved the Ultimate goal by completing the Champion Quest!
Website functionality restored.
Sorry guys for website downtime, had issues with hosting.
Tayn is back and kicking ass!
Looks like Ancient Legacy is taking over the Realm of AstroMUD!
Nice to see that a bit more folks are around :)
Sun Tzu said “If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by.”
Well not quite. There is no river and no bodies left.
Last man standing, noone else around:
Enceladus with his persistant bleeding title has recently advanced to Hero ranks. Congratulations!
Looks like Legion has become active. Is that a Vylen?
Assassinate skill has not been working since server transfer. Feels pretty bad to be a single class Assassin.
Info from Demos. AstroMUD has been moved over to the Amazon AWS. During server migration, user files were copied over to keep everyone's progress up to date. There are a few hiccups that are being atended to, however, we encourage you to share any issues you find in the #general channel in Slack. In keeping with our west coast heritage, Astro is hosted in US-West 2 in Oregon.
While I was gone Chase has advanced to Hero of the Realm status. Well done grats!
Been a while, finally sorted out server issues.
Mayor news, Naamah has achieved Hero status ~18 days ago, EPIC!
In top of that Oswin (Adele's alt) has Remorted and and advanced to 2nd calss.
Jorin has completed Remort Quest and advanced to Barbarian class.
Seems like Zao is missing in the action, have not seen him like for a month?
A rare ocasion Champion Mordeth logged on from his mobile device.
Satan is back, the Golden Sun Disk always needs extra protection!
The Knight Lonahte has left clan Exodus to join clan Vigilance.
Exodus is pretty dead now, only Satan remains and he is not very active.
I have not seen Anonymous a while, that sadens me.
It's nice to see that The Mighty Knight Lonahte has come online to the realm of the AstroMUD!
Believe or not I was participating on the Wizard kill after which Lonahte obtained the Knight status.
What a historical moment that was.
You better believe it! After so many years Aidan has made it to the Hero status.
Naamah has achieved Watcher status!
Apadra has completed his 1st Remort Quest.
Naamah has completed his Remort Quest and advanced to Ranger class. Well done!
Good luck with Hero quest!
Apadra has advanced to level 50 and is working convincingly towards completion of the 1st Remort Quest.
Supported by a powerful Illuminati guild I expect Apadra to quickly gain experience, strength and knowledge.
Adele has logged in for beeing away quite a while.
In our next step to counterbalance some of the things that have gone wrong over the past period, Demos and myself have undertaken the following actions against mortal characters. All these actions are based on extensive review of the syslog. Enkil - removed Knight Dagda - removed Hero, rerolled gear back to earlier date. Reign - unfrozen, removed Hero, rerolled gear back to earlier date. Heretic - unfrozen Missandei - unfrozen Orton - unfrozen Neerihs - perm frozen, char was not used by original owner Dronester - removed Hero, rerolled gear back to earlier date. The characters we decided to thaw out, were originally punished for duping equipment. We do believe they have learned from their mistakes. The items they gained illegitimately were removed. They are on a final warning. Further char sharing or duping will result in deletion of character. Regards, Saidin
With Saidin's return, we have been taking a proactive step to addressing the concerns of balance and trust within Astro. This will be a multi-faceted approach that we will iterate and evaluate as time progresses. As mentioned, we will be working top-down on this to instill a level of trust within the community. We cannot gain the trust of the community if our house is not in order; many of the concerns originate from the immortal staff and corrective action is necessary. It is our goal to do what is in the best interest of the mud, which we truly believe has been our guiding light; unfortunately, missteps along the way require a pendulum swing to return to a level of normalcy. We are making the following changes and re-communicating previous intentions that we are focusing on: Champion: You've won the game and you should be proud of it. Current Champ equipment has not kept up with the inflation of the game and needs to be corrected. We will be adjusting Champ eq such that Champs are incentivized to wear their gear above all else. Knights: When the rationale of knighthood gets mixed with the benefits received, people question the position altogether. Knighthood was meant as a 'thank you' and not a status on par with Champion. Knight eq surpasses Champ eq and will be adjusted back such. Immortal levels should be categorized in two ways: retired and active mortals. Immortal characters with active mortals should not be elevated in such a way that a conflict between mortal/immortal could arise. It has not been the case over the past while and will be adjusted. Levels 53-54 are reserved for immortals who wish to continue playing their mortals (at no time should an immortal ever get involved with any mortal character for their benefit). 53-54's with granted commands will likely have them removed to further help neutralize the temptations. Immortals at 55 and above will either have no mortal characters or should play those mortal characters for the benefit of others, never themselves. We have decided that our current staff will be retained without the removal of any imms, however, we feel that the current positions need to be re-calibrated. I understand this will seem like a punishment to those affected, but it is not our goal to convey that message. The current economy of the mud has instilled a level of mistrust between the mortal/immortal world as well as amongst each other. Our intent to recalibrate immortal levels is the first step towards regaining trust between ourselves, but most importantly, with the community as a whole. Your actions going forward will dictate the long term direction your immortal character will take, not your merits of the past. For some, this will be met with positive light, while others might not feel the same. Please understand that these changes are in the interest of the game and are the result of our history to date. We, as a team, will help to drive Astro in the right direction. We welcome your feedback and are happy to work with you on a plan moving foward. Saidin & Demos
Major scale events have happend, that will echo on for eternity: Navros/Tulkas self deleted???
Navros/Tulkas has always been friendly and often got inovolved to help others with group kills.
This is a big loss for comunity, Navros please come back!
Who will represent the might of Ancient Legacy now? Who list without AL colors looks like shit.
On top of these dramatic events:
Enkil's Knight status has been revoked.
As you guys may have noticed, I've been back for little over 3 weeks now, and I've had some great conversations with mortals and immortals alike. In this day and age, it made it possible for me to speak on voice-chat to Demos and others on Slack. Great experience, and I can recommend it! What has become clear to me, though, is that the situation on AstroMUD is not the same as when I left it a few years ago. On the one hand, it's a lot more active, and that is a great thing to see. On the other hand, there has been drama - and this has led to some undesirable situations. In a change from my normal routine, I decided to have a good look at the Immortal community, and their role in things. In a bid to restore trust and transparency, I talked to Demos, and we came to some of the following conclusions: - In the last few months, there has been abuse of power from people on the Immortal staff. This is unacceptable. - We want the players on AstroMUD to experience a level playing field. - We do not think it is beneficial to AstroMUD to have high-level Immortals participating as players. With these statement in mind, we also came to following (tentative!) measures. - I have removed Knighthood from Enkil, after finding out the Knight gear had been buffed tremendously. I believe Knighthood is ceremonial and symbolic in function, and should not have been buffed this way. - It is our intention to force higher level Immortals to completely retire their mortal characters. An Immortal that can influence AstroMUD, should not play a mortal character for the benefit of that same character. - It is obvious that we want to promote activity on AstroMUD, so we will not ask our higher-level Immortals to delete or retire, their mortals. They can be online, they can assist, but they can never benefit. I have to also mention Navros here. During these discussions, he made the decision to self-delete his mortal, because he believed he had lost trust from myself and Demos. This is untrue: I personally trust Anonymous to do what's best for AstroMUD, and for me, there was no reason for him to delete his mortals. Long story short: There has been a bit of turmoil in the Immortal realm, even before I came back, and we hope to give a signal to all Astro players, that we encourage fair play, and we will continue to monitor, even at the highest levels. Hope to have informed you sufficiently, Regards, Saidin.
Hero Dante also has logged, cool!
I don't recall seeing him often.
Congratulations to Enceladus who has gained the Watcher status trough hard work.
Druss and Misery have logged on, lets see if they stays around. Two extra Heroes is always nice.
What is a Hero?
A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.
HERO Certain players who work for the good of the mud, and behave in a fashion that other players should emulate, can be elevated to Hero status if they undertake certain tasks and prove themselves worthy. These players will then be evaluated by the Elders, a group of wise and experienced leaders who will determine the capability and potential of those seeking the status of hero. Upon completion of a vote by the Elders, those deemed worthy will be afforded the title of Hero and will be one step closer to becoming a Champion. Only players who have completed a minimum of 7 remort quests will be considered for Hero. One of the things they're being evaluated on is their level of devotion and support towards the mud. No one should expect or ask to be made a hero, but rather behave so the MUD will benefit from their existence. Have faith that the existing Heroes, Elders, and Imms will watch you. If they think you are eligible, you will be rewarded. For a few, Hero is a final stop in a long and eventful journey. For the aspiring player, this is only a stepping stone toward Champion and onto Immortality. The title of Hero is an honor, gained through hard work, public service and peer recognition. If you choose to become a Paragon after reaching the level of hero you must turn in your Hero Eq and will lose all Hero status and perks. HOW TO BECOME A HERO To obtain the title of Hero, a player must: 1. Complete seven remort quests. (Final Quest before hero vote must be custom) 2. Be voted on by the Elders Once a player meets the minimum requirements for becoming a hero, a player will be promoted to a Watcher, performing the monitoring and confirmation tasks Heroes perform. During this period - Heroes, Elders, Champions, Knights, and Immortals will be evaluating the new Watcher for their ability to assume the responsibilities of being a Hero. If a nominated Watcher is approved by the Elders, the player becomes a Hero. If not approved, the player will retain Watcher status and may re-apply for hero after their next remort quest. Please beware.. many fail the first vote for Hero. Do not take this personally. Many times this in itself is a test and how you react to it speaks volumes to your character. RESPONSIBILITIES By accepting the title of a HERO or HEROINE of AstroMUD, you have accepted and sworn to uphold AstroMUD law, aid those in need, and to defend the immortals until your death! Any hero breaking these rules is subject to losing their status or worse. Additionally, Heroes who neglect their duties will be dealt with by the Elders and Imms. Players should report bad behavior to any Elder or Immortal. As a HERO or HEROINE, you have several responsibilities: 1. Help those in need of a corpse retrieval to the best of your ability. 2. Answer questions about the MUD. 3. Enforce the rules of the MUD. 4. Ensure harmony on the MUD. 5. Greet Newbies As a HERO or HEROINE, you are required to uphold certain standards above and beyond those set forth in MUD policy. 1. Be aware of all MUD policies, uphold and enforce them for all MUDders. Watch for those who go against policy and bring them to the attention of an IMM. Report all bugs of which you become aware. 2. Be cordial to all who come onto the MUD, uphold the ideals of HEROES and HEROINES on the MUD, promote grouping and interaction of MUDders and help all of those who have questions especially NEWBIES. NOTE: BEING A HERO IS NOT A RIGHT BUT A PRIVILEGE. It can and will be removed if you do not behave in a manner deserving of your title. In addition remember that the HERO CHANNEL is for HEROES and IMMORTALS. Any information or conversation that is shared on that channel is NOT to be repeated to non-heroes. To do so will result in the loss of your hero status. PRIVILEGES The following privileges will be granted to HEROES and HEROines: 1. The following Immortal commands will be available: Salvation - used to forgive pkill and pthieves. Only use if the flag was accidental. Otherwise report an actual pk or psteal to a level 56 or 57 as soon as possible. Holylight - use to see invis/hidden/infra regardless of spells. You can only turn this on after completion of a remort quest, but BEFORE you remort again. Holylight it will stay when remorted. Pardon - use to forgive the Heretic flag. 2. Hero Board/Hero Channel You will have access to a board and channel to communicate with the immortals and other heroes in addition to access to the imm postmaster. 3. Hero Equipment will be provided to you when you complete your HERO Quest. These items include: An AstroMUD T-Shirt A Shieldbreaker Three Coupons for the reimbursement of your Shieldbreaker 4. A House. Please see the Realtor for the details in how to obtain a house. Note that if you are unable to pay your rent, you will lose your house. To regain a House, you must mail the MUD Realtor. You may have to wait at least one full month for the house to be built, and your next month's rent will be doubled to cover building costs. 5. Special Rewards There will be opprotunities to gain special rewards. Stayed tuned to information posted in the Hero Information Center. The Hero title is a place of honor. Whether playing as your Hero character or another multi character, you are expected to behave in a manner that will bring great credit to the MUD and refrain from acting in a manner that is deemed anything but the epitome of heroism. Use your common sense, and don't do anything inappropriate (if you have no common sense, ASK).
Amaranth DT'd twice and lost all of his items.
That is quite painfull.
Luckly Amaranth's gear has been reimbursed. Phew!
Surprize for Easter, there is a new Zone, thanks to Administartion!
A new zone is based on the movie Rise of the Guardians.
Entrance is 2s4w, enter portal, enwnw.
Encelauds has Remorted to Mage and now has 7 classes under his belt. Nice work!
There is a massive change with Mulitplaying rules.
Previously you were allowed to have up to 2 chars online simultenosly and 2nd Remort were allowed only after gaining Champion status.
The new rules for Multiplaying:
- You may have only 3 characters logged in at the same time.
- A second Remort character is now allowed.
These are super amazing changes, very nice!
Yes, I'm not happy. Was I ever happy, who knows..
An Evil Charm : you can't handle an item of that level!
Who modified (read rendered unusable) An Evil Charm? Was it bothering your life in any way, shape or form?
Making Hero and Champ grade weapons level 1 (like Shieldbreaker etc), or Level 0 Valor Armor with perm airshield is obviously fine and very fair for leveling. But if a person used An Evil Charm Toggle to recall before level 35 that is the end of the world?
Yes, I know there are other toggles, but I like this one.
One year has pased since my last entry..
Waal has Remorted to Rogue and is on the way to 2nd Champion, congratulations!
Some sayings for your motivation:
“Most players come into your life as blessing. Some players come into your life as lessons. And then there is a Plague..”
“Anyone that has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”
“Somtimes success is not about here and now, you must pass the test of time.”
“Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you are right.”
“Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do.”
I was sorting out some old files and found a who list from 2006-08-20.
These were times when Heroes actualy mean something and were on the Ambassadors to the Gods list.
Nova days Heroes suck balls and sit on the regular Player list together with Goons.
Gods ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [QuestGuide |* *] Kaytra says, 'YOU wanted to dance....' (AFK) Ambassadors to the Gods ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [50 Heroine | Eternals ] Altra (invis) (quest) [QuestGuide | Anjaan ] Warrior Willow WED - "If your cow goes gay, rain's on its way!" (invis) [50 Hero | Eternals ] Azhrarn Ithryn Luin (invis) [QuestGuide |* Eternals *] Jingizu WED Aeternus, Timeless (invis) (quest) [Doofus | Eternals ] Homer WED RageAgainstTheAmish (AFW) [50 Heroine | Vigilance ] Warrior Adele Cloud Nine (invis) (quest) (AFK) [BOVINE |* Eternals *] Lanfear - Monkey Labs Inc. (invis) (AFB) Players ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [50 Remort | Vigilance ] Plague <- yes that's me [50 Paragon | Eternals ] Hansa (invis) [50 Remort | Ancient Legacy ] Kipling (quest) (AFK) [50 M Gh Pr | Eternals ] Chuz Delusion's Master (AFK) (AFW) [50 Watcher | ] Warrior Nosferatu - The weeping silence shudders your soul. (AFW) [50 Remort | ] Tsetse flashes an Eternals pledge pin [50 Remort | Ancient Legacy ] Conner The ConMan! (noshout) [50 Paragon | Anjaan ] Warrior Juno (invis) [50 Remort | Anjaan ] Yuna WED (invis) [50 Remort | Vigilance ] Tamalyn WED thanks dear baby Jesus for her remort...Jing too. [50 Watcher | Anjaan ] Warrior Azazel Syphilitic Jude Sparrow (quest) [50 Watcher | Eternals ] Athena isn't this title amazing (AFK) (AFW) [50 Paragon | Eternals ] Bart Pitt (invis) (AFK) (AFW) [50 M Dj Fi | ] Batx Wasurenai (stifled) (quest) [50 Paragon | ] Icepick (stifled) (quest) [50 Paragon | ] Krasus - 'this entire mud revolves around you' (daily) [50 M Dj Fi | ] Jinc is level 50 [50 Paragon | ] Winc is level 50 (quest) [50 Remort | Vigilance ] Vaelan (Master of the Blade) (daily) [50 Remort | Eternals ] Zaervein Heartbreaker Eternal (invis) (AFK) (AFB) [45 Paragon | DusK ] Magnus (invis) [43 Paragon | ] Trouble is level 43 [36 Paragon | Eternals ] Indreju (invis) [30 Paragon | ] Gnat the ranger [21 Paragon | DusK ] Menelvagor [19 M Dr Pa | ] Homsar the Arch Bishop [ 8 Paragon | Eternals ] Wraith the Swordsman (AFK) (AFB) 35 characters displayed.
Bellow I have combined several 'who' lists from ~2002-2003 so you can see who was around back then.
Gods ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Gr God |* *] Saelack rants about Queens on the River (PTHIEF) [Ozone |* *] Warrior Oz "Sometimes you get the elevator .. .. .." (notell) (AFK) [Genius | ] Warrior Ot - Where are we going, and why am I in this handbasket? (notell) (AFK) (AFW) (AFB) Ambassadors to the Gods ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Knight | Eternals ] Enos WED Eternals' Punisher [50 Hero | Anjaan ] Daemond dark prince of the universe [50 Hero | Ancient Legacy ] Scargill (invis) [50 Hero | Vigilance ] Warrior Alizarin WED - You shall shed tears of scarlet (invis) (AFW) [Champion | Eternals ] Faberghasted what a jerk and umm manon for chump or something (invis) [50 Hero |* Eternals *] Hojou the Human Elephant (AFK) [50 Hero |* Matrix Warriors*] Warrior Manon - "got da flu" (daily) [50 Heroine | Eternals ] Foxxy to each their own! :) (AFK) [50 Hero |* Vigilance *] Warrior Wrath thinks pissing people off on pvrpose is RAD!! (invis) [50 Hero | Eternals ] Quale [ALPHA GEEK] [50 Remort | ] Animosity [Whagz] <12> (invis) [50 Hero |* Vigilance *] Warrior Jeremy - Tornado of Souls. (AFK) [50 Heroine | Ancient Legacy ] Cassandra is walking. (invis) (AFW) [50 Hero | Ancient Legacy ] Sadness Sweet Marissa (invis) (AFK) [50 Hero |* DusK *] Warrior Bran (AFK) [46 Hero | Ancient Legacy ] Frie the Pilferer [50 Hero | Ancient Legacy ] Stargen rides around on his griffin named Fubar (invis) (AFW) [50 Hero |* Ancient Legacy *] Warrior Melkor WED to Sweet Marissa (AFK) [50 Heroine | Eternals ] Amber fistful of steel (invis) [50 Hero | Vigilance ] Warrior Havok Sleeps in the Twilight Zone!!! [SANDWICH |* Ancient Legacy *] Warrior Rahl WED has re-earned his (Ozone) (invis) [50 Heroine | Ancient Legacy ] Barracuda WED (Ozone) [50 Heroine | Ancient Legacy ] Adele Engaged Dood, You're getting Adele!! (O)zzyrighted (invis) [50 Hero | Eternals ] Lasher the GREAT king (invis) (AFK) [50 Hero |* Anjaan *] Warrior Caine Anjaan Devil Reborn [50 Hero |* Anjaan *] Warrior Mordeth you are the one I want and what I want is so unreal [50 Hero | Ancient Legacy ] Insomnia [!Clan Warrior] PonY (invis) (AFK) Players ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [SPECIAL | Eternals ] Alynn I am wearing my kissing dentures (invis) (AFK) [50 Remort |* Asha'man *] Warrior Sugaray WED U're a Fuggerloo! [50 Paragon | Eternals ] William has been CLANned (invis) (AFK) [50 Watcher | DusK ] Warrior Chaos I think u need "No" votes to get somewhere around here [50 Paragon | Asha'man ] Warrior Serpent is Sir Punt [50 Remort | Vigilance ] Warrior Blood Depressed - Live my life, Die with my pain (invis) [50 Remort | Asha'man ] Warrior Cyric the PrincE of LieS [50 Remort | Neutrinos ] Dart R-O-M [**********] (invis) (AFK) [50 Remort | ] Raphael Drifter [50 Paragon | Asha'man ] Warrior Woofer The Maddog - Doggy*style (AFW) [50 Watcher | Ancient Legacy ] Galax QuIcK BladE =Daoine= [50 Paragon |* Daitatsu *] Pragmatic is a Cereal Killer, gimme all your Grape Nuts [50 Paragon | ] Warrior Tcent (HERETIC) (AFW) [50 Paragon | DusK ] Warrior Alyssandra Divorced the Forsaken Shao-Lin [50 Remort | Neutrinos ] Browncookie [BROWNIE] (daily) [50 Remort | ] Kyros Trees are cute! [50 Remort | Matrix Warriors ] Dough "Life's good" (AFK) (AFW) (AFB) [50 Paragon | Eternals ] Heineken [50 Remort | Eternals ] Hannibal - !Little worker [50 Remort | Eternals ] Yorgo Don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player (invis) [50 Watcher | Ancient Legacy ] Swindle the KNOWN homosexual (invis) (AFK) (AFW) [50 Remort | Vigilance ] Arii still sucks at counter strike (daily) [50 Remort | Asha'man ] Kiasu (daily) [50 Watcher | Anjaan ] Warren Cute Dragoon (AFB) [50 Watcher |* Asha'man *] Warrior Cthulhu WED Lanfear for [Clan Warrior] (invis) (AFK) [50 Remort | ] Mortus Call me Sally (invis) (AFK) [50 Watcher | Ancient Legacy ] Galax QuIcK BladE =Daoine= [50 Remort | Ancient Legacy ] Melron Divorced (invis) [50 Hero | Vigilance ] Warrior Higgins Divorced Syndicate breathes. (invis) [40 Remort | DusK ] Saisiuchu *Oink* *OinK* *oInK* (AFK) [50 Remort | Eternals ] Fenix me need tokens bad, me sick [50 Remort | Vigilance ] Warrior Corwin $$. 2 stones in a row from my trident blingZ (stifled) [50 Remort | Eternals ] Isildur -=Return of the Legend=- (quest) [50 Paragon | Neutrinos ] Dalvenjah the Dragon Valkyrie [50 Remort | Matrix Warriors ] Humbug . [50 Paragon | Eternals ] Gasper is back to being [stifled] (AFK) (AFW) [50 Watcher | Ancient Legacy ] Warrior Mavrick Divorced Power of the Ancients (invis) [50 Remort | ] Warrior Calahan -=X Title Under Construction X=- (invis) [BOVINE | Anjaan ] Lanfear - I wanna live 'til I die, no more, no less. (invis) (AFB) [50 Remort | Vigilance ] Warrior Donatello the Deacon [50 Remort | Eternals ] Lazyspider (invis) [50 Watcher | Ancient Legacy ] Warrior Pantera The Butcher (invis) (AFB) [50 Paragon | Eternals ] Tetek [ h L s ] (invis) (AFW) [50 Remort | Asha'man ] MaxiGen (AFW) [50 Remort | Eternals ] Starblaze WED is on the brink of sanity [50 Remort | DusK ] Warrior Saber sniff sadly. *SNIFF* [50 Remort | Matrix Warriors ] Juno Prank Monkey (invis) [50 Remort | Asha'man ] Cruz (invis) [50 Remort | Ancient Legacy ] DaiShan Legacy's Ancient (invis) [50 Remort | Vigilance ] Warrior Zuetroy is the Vigilance whore [50 Paragon | DusK ] Dante ubah [50 Remort | Anjaan ] Hehe Haha Hihi Hoho Huhu (invis) [50 Remort | ] Joanna [50 Remort | Asha'man ] Chilli is HOT & SPICY! (AFK) [Press | Vigilance ] Warrior Bleys -ANARCHY- Political disorder and confusion. (stifled) [50 Paragon | Anjaan ] Althalus The Master Thief [50 Remort | Ancient Legacy ] Warrior Sem (daily) [50 Remort | Matrix Warriors ] Lancer [LANFEAR] for HERO. [50 Remort | GUARDIANS ] Tayn [50 Watcher | Eternals ] Kermit : If you can see this, your eyes aren't closed. [50 Remort | Ancient Legacy ] Delraich [Malkavian] [50 Remort | Anjaan ] Warrior Willow WED - Numb my mind with a fantasy (invis) (AFK) [50 Remort | Anjaan ] Warrior Xiab - Beware the Anjaan man. (invis) [50 Paragon | DusK ] Jackshen WuKuAi is BacK ~~~ [50 Remort | Matrix Warriors ] Hairball the Heroine Addict (invis) [Doofus |* Eternals *] Homer (Give WAR a chance) (DOOFUS) (invis) (AFW) [50 Watcher | DusK ] Warrior Neerihs - snake eyes sux [50 Remort | Ancient Legacy ] ArtemisEnteri (invis) [50 Remort |* Matrix Warriors*] Narev Jay and silent bob 4 eva (invis) (stifled) (AFK) (AFW) [50 Paragon | Eternals ] Goku - gone Mushroom Huntin' (invis) (AFB) [50 Remort | DusK ] Warrior Dronester Warrior (invis) [50 Paragon | DusK ] Warrior Heretic HeretiC (invis) (AFK) (AFW) (AFB) [50 Remort | Eternals ] Necr a self-proclaimed author of Idiot's Guide to Mudding (daily) [50 Remort | Eternals ] Noredil Unvamps: 1 Mil, Smiles: Free (invis) [50 Watcher | Vigilance ] Warrior Bramd Engaged shouldn't be wearing white! [50 M Ti Ma | Asha'man ] Misery is a love machine. (AFK) [50 M Gh Fi | Matrix Warriors ] Warrior Darkheart Nothing is what it Seems [Vampires Fury] (stifled) [50 Remort |* GUARDIANS *] Warrior Gideon (invis) [48 Remort | Matrix Warriors ] Skyy is back to normal finally [46 Remort | ] Dreadnought First appearance deceives many. (invis) [46 Remort | Eternals ] Elvis - She's coming.. [44 Remort | ] Saisiuchu *oink* - Empty vessels make the most noise - *oink* [44 Remort | Eternals ] Painkiller I am Jack's complete lack of surprise [44 Paragon | Asha'man ] Rack is a boy (invis) [42 Remort | ] Khurdran French Onion Sun Chips for ALL!! [42 Remort | Eternals ] Zadori [41 Remort | Matrix Warriors ] Rynl God is in His Heaven, All is right with the World. (AFW) (AFB) [41 Paragon | DusK ] Skip - !Vampire, Afro Comb, MooGooGaiPan (AFK) (AFW) (AFB) [41 M Hu Pr | GUARDIANS ] Dananddusty is level 41 [39 Remort | GUARDIANS ] Fury Smiter of the Evil ones (AFB) [39 Remort | ] Zyrule grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change (daily) [38 Remort | Eternals ] Psymon 1000 Points of Fright (notell) [38 F Ti Pr | GUARDIANS ] Ladydierna needs to remort or Gideon will be mad [38 Remort | Asha'man ] Chelaenne Mordino (invis) [38 F Dj Ma | ] Adae [37 Remort | Matrix Warriors ] Narev is level 37 (AFW) [50 Remort | Matrix Warriors ] Hairball the Heroine Addict (invis) [30 Paragon | Asha'man ] Pyre - Born to Burn (invis) [30 Paragon | Daitatsu ] Superstar [29 Remort | Anjaan ] Warrior Satan the Patriarch (29) (daily) [21 M Gh Fi | ] Venum the Knight (quest) [21 Remort | Eternals ] Geko the Necromancer (AFB) [18 Remort | Eternals ] Vortex the Dragoon
Dear MUD administration dudes, have you become so bussy (read lazy) that you can't even reboot once per month?
Up since Tue Apr 17 09:30:34 2018: 38 days, 2:49
I gues you just have to wait 40+ days if you want to get some reboot only items..
I tried to play again, but it just feels like single player mode.
No staff members around :(
Luncinia advanced to level 35 and started multi Alfawheat.
Well after my observations looks like we still have 4 active players!
Luncinia is playing solid.
Azazel is leveling multi Belial.
Wrath and Sugar farming X-mas arcade.
I'm working towards improving my erasing technique.
Demos/Lanfear trying to beat Satan at iddling.
There is one invisible Imm, who?
Merry Christmass AstroMUD crew! :)
Looks like we have a new person Salazar with his multi Ruby playing from USA, Oregon. He used to play in 90ties. 33 years old IRL.
News entries on regular basis are dicontinued.
I have decied to take a break for a while.
For latest news please log in and read comunity board west of Recall.
Immortal Challenge revamped by Anonymous.
More work for Heroes :)
Can't wait to see what are the drops.
Some old items are changed, no idea which ones.
Quest Token gear will be revamped in recent future.
Read more on board west of recall.
Multiplaying: Definition is having more than one character on the mud at a given time. You may have only 2 characters logged in at the same time.
Looks like it is OK, to play with 3-4 chars simultenously.
Hell, I have 4 multis myself and I'm a big fan of multiplay.
Folks using 3-4 multi chars simultaneously on regular basis.
Maybe Imms should officially allow more muliplay (3-4 chars?) since they have no balls to enforce 2 characters rule anyhow.
Quest Gods/Guides
How come we have only one dude working with Remort Quests?
Anonymous is doing all the hard work alone, where is the fair work distribution?
Now he seems to be on some kind of extended vacation and I'm fucked. I can't even perform my regular cycle of erasing anymore.
Maybe someone can step up and give a hand to Anonymous and join Quest Guide ranks?
Vigilance just got stronger, Hero Sphynx has joined their ranks!
Holy shit, Cthulhu remorted.. and now has 8th classes.
Looks like some strong players have changed colors.
I woke up this morning and see that Sugaray and Enkil have left Illuminati to join Vigilance.
It is hard to say which clan name and colorcode looks cooler.
Anyhow I kinda like this move cause it were too many players in one clan and way too little in other clans.
I'm excited to bring these news, Browncookie is the latest Hero on AstroMUD!
Browncookie has remorted to Wizzard and now has 9 classes.
Dronester made through Remort QUEST and advanced to 9th class as Paladin, well done.
Noticed that Enkil obtained Spear of Destiny, huge congratulations.
Enceladus completed Remort QUEST and advanced to 3rd class as Conjurer.
Congratulations, well done!
Sugaray finally logged in :)
Verkan logged on, wonder if he gona stay around.
_-\| Branded by |/-_ ~-/| Siobahn |\-~ Verkan is a level 50 Male Dwarf Assassin, is skilled in the classes of: Mage Priest Thief Fighter Illusionist Wizard Monk Conjurer Ranger, is a Hero of the Realm, is in clan Illuminati, and was last here on Wednesday, May 31, 2017 at 12:18 PM (PDT).
Illuminai clan hall has a new clan vendor withing clan hall itself.
Also new clan item is introduced the Arcane Tome of Illuminati.
If you drop it on the floor somewhere and walk into it, it will spawn a trumpable mob.
## Item Cost ----------------------------------------------------- 1) the Arcane Tome of Illuminati 5000000
2F1 active again!
2F1 was active for a week and now is over :(
I don't know what is wrong with Demos, but looks like we have (2F1) thing going on :)
If you successfully complete Daily QUEST, Demos will give you additional QUEST Token.
No idea for how long this is going to last.
Food quest is completed!
If information I have is correct winners are Banned and Sphynx, congratulations gentleman!
Currently I don't have info on name or stats of the prize items.
If you are an old player and your race is not Troll, then there is a good news for you.
'the Regenizer!' has been changed by administration and now has age reduction by -200 instead of -100 as previously.
New stats:
Object 'the Regenerizer!', Item type: OTHER Original owner: Unknown Can be worn on: TAKE NECK HANDS HOLD Item is: GLOW HUM !SELL OWNERONLY Weight: 15, Value: 0, Rent: 0, Level: 45 Can affect you as : Affects: AGE By -100 Affects: CON By 10 Affects: AGE By -100 Spelleffects: regenerate
Old stats:
Object 'the Regenerizer!', Item type: OTHER Original owner: Unknown Can be worn on: TAKE NECK HANDS HOLD Item is: GLOW HUM !SELL OWNERONLY Weight: 15, Value: 0, Rent: 0, Level: 45 Can affect you as : Affects: AGE By -100 Affects: CON By 10 Spelleffects: regenerate
Sunday 13th and Enkil has raised from ashes to play AstroMUD again! Enkil is a Hero from Guam and is 34 years old IRL.
Lets see if Hero Enkil the Daishan has what it takes to continue journey towards Champion.
Nihkil from Oregon has resumed playing and Remoted to 2nd class as Priest, congratulations. Btw Nihkil is 33 years old IRL.
Dwarf branded by Marissa, well that is a strong combo, let's see for how long Nihkil stays around.
Reign is back with all his 4char army! Let's see if he is back for real or just trolling.
I'm playing strong as before by guarding golden throne and keeping order at Recall, but I have not got even a single item upgrade since Sugaray left.
This is not working out good for me,
Sugar please stop jerking off and start playing again. Someone has to kill god damn mobs you know.
Maybe you have been in situation where you need to get to Energy Guardian quickly, to set up trump point?
I have made this code bellow to ease your life. Perform this direction while being in spiritual death:
brief;2s16ws2w2sw7s3es2en2e2ne2d3nd2e3s5u2nw2n3u2n;ent lift;u7s3d3e3s3e2seses2es5ue3ne3ne4n2esese2neneneses2e3s3es;fixme;save;brief
Special food quest form Alistair is up and runing!
It seems there will be 2x food events + special Battle Royale event, please read more on board west of Delos recall.
Looks like you have to register for food quest by sending mudmail to Alistair.
The time line is as following according to available info:
Battle Royale will be on Friday, May 12th at 17:00 mud time
Quest Items are due on Sunday, May 14th at 17:00 mud time.
Thanks to Alistair for hard work and organizing these events!
The Might of the Realm Wrath (Windboss) together with legendary sword wielder Vylen cleared Island of the Forsaken.
Congratulations Vylen with some nice upgrades:
Object 'Alien Carapace', Item type: ARMOR Original owner: vylen Can be worn on: TAKE LEGS ARMS WRIST CHEST Item is: EVIL !DROP CURSED !SELL OWNERONLY Weight: 5, Value: 0, Rent: 0, Level: 40 AC-apply is 10 Can affect you as : Affects: MAXHIT By 100 Spelleffects: carapace sanctuary Object 'Horns of Chupon', Item type: WORN Original owner: vylen Can be worn on: TAKE HEAD SHOULDERS Item is: !LOCATE EVIL !PARAGON !SELL OWNERONLY Weight : 20, Value: 0, Rent: 0, Level: 35 Can affect you as : Affects : MAXHIT By 100 Affects : MAXMANA By 100 Affects : STR By 5 Affects : WIS By -3 Affects : INT By -3 Affects : SAVING_SPELL By -10 Spelleffects : regenerate remove poison
Vylen can finally junk Spear of Destiny, yes you heard me right.
As of now Vylen has completed the Shards of Adrasil QUEST and obtained a legendary Sword!
The sword has rune engravings on its pommel in the Tiefling language of Sindarin.
Check it out, here are the stats of this amazing sword:
Object 'Adrasil, The Legendary Sword of the Omniscient', Item type: WEAPON Original owner: vylen Can be worn on: TAKE WIELD Item is: GLOW HUM !LOCATE INVISIBLE !REMOVE POISONED !PARAGON !SELL HEROONLY Weight: 10, Value: 0, Rent: 0, Level: 1 Damage Dice is '13D13' for an average per-round damage of 91.0. Can affect you as : Affects: MAXHIT By 75 Affects: MAXMANA By 75 Affects: DAMROLL By 15 Affects: HITROLL By 15 Affects: SAVING_PARA By -15 Affects: SAVING_SPELL By -15 Spelleffects: deathtouch
According to someone it's the best non Champ weapon there exist. Deathtouch seems to have very high hum rate.
Large group of players was assembled and Charon the Ferryman to hell was killed in old-school way by zerging.
Goku upgraded Railgun with coin to:
Object '(Superior) Electromagnetic Railgun', Item type: WEAPON Original owner: goku Can be worn on: TAKE WIELD Item is: !LOCATE !REMOVE !PARAGON !SELL OWNERONLY Weight: 25, Value: 0, Rent: 0, Level: 45 Damage Dice is '11D10' for an average per-round damage of 60.5. Can affect you as : Affects: DAMROLL By 5 Affects: HITROLL By 5 Spelleffects: detonate fireball poison
Chase Remorted to Wizard and how has 7 classes under his belt. Good luck with Hero Quest!
Evan has started to play again, nice!
Kiash from USA has started to play AstroMUD!
Discord Server for AstroMUD!
Saidin has set up for us Discord (Chat/Voice) server. On Discord, you can choose to
chat with eachother through text, or talk to eachother using the free voice communication software.
To join the Discord AstroMUD community, follow this link (direct invitation):
I kinda like this idea a lot, well done Mr. Saidin!
Thurbane from Easter Quest is dead and loaded a A Small Toothpick, what a rare loot, nice!
Object 'A Small Toothpick', Item type: OTHER Can be worn on: TAKE HOLD Item is: !LOCATE EVIL !DROP CURSED !PARAGON !SELL OWNERONLY Weight: 10, Value: 2000, Rent: 0, Level: 45 Can affect you as : Affects: MAXHIT By 50 Affects: MAXMANA By 50 Affects: DAMROLL By 3 Spelleffects: air shield
From other Easter quest there was lots of tokens, chorme cube pieces and random EQ, like boomstick etc.
Thanks to Administration for cool Easter quests!
Dagda has eventually acquired Daedulus Wings, congratulations with perm air item!
Object 'Daedulus' Wings', Item type: ARMOR Can be worn on: TAKE ABOUT SHOULDERS Item is: !LOCATE !REMOVE !SELL OWNERONLY Weight: 20, Value: 0, Rent: 0, Level: 45 AC-apply is 10 Can affect you as : Affects: MAXHIT By 50 Affects: MAXMANA By 50 Affects: DEX By 5 Spelleffects: fly air shield
We will have to wait and see if Dagda manages to upgrade wings to Superior or Splenderous.
Alistair has done some hard working and set up Easter QUEST for mortals!
Lets wait and see what will be reward and who will get it :)
And another QUEST is set up by Faust, nice!
Banned completed the Shards of Adrasil QUEST and obtained best non Hero weapon.
Big congratulations, well done!
Object 'Adrasil, The Legendary Dagger of the Omniscient', Item type: WEAPON Original owner: banned Can be worn on: TAKE WIELD Item is: GLOW HUM !LOCATE !REMOVE POISONED !PARAGON !SELL Weight: 10, Value: 0, Rent: 0, Level: 1 Damage Dice is '12D11' for an average per-round damage of 72.0. Can affect you as : Affects: MAXHIT By 50 Affects: MAXMANA By 50 Affects: DAMROLL By 10 Affects: HITROLL By 10 Affects: SAVING_PARA By -10 Affects: SAVING_SPELL By -10 Spelleffects: flamestrike detonate blindness curse chill touch
Animosity advanced to Paladin class and now has 15 classes!!! Good luck with Champion QUEST!
Canth (Altra's alt) Remorted to Thief and andvanced to 4th class. Grats!
Dagda completed 4th Remort QUEST and advanced 5th class as Assassin. Excelent work!
Enceladus completed his 1st Remort quest and advanced to Priest class. Well done!
Tylenol pill after beeing abused has been nerfed by administration.
The new stats are as following (full heal effect is gone):
Object 'Tylenol', Item type: PILL Original owner: plague Can be worn on: TAKE Item is: !SELL OWNERONLY Weight: 2, Value: 35000, Rent: 0, Level: 10 This PILL casts: heal heal air shield
Jorin the Eternals clan Leader from Sweden has Remorted to Alchemist and advanced to level 35.
Dagda Remorted to Conjurer and now has 4 classes, congrats!
Banned on his way to get Adrasil, The Legendary Dagger of the Omniscient.
Reign remorted to Ranger and now has 6 classes, almost like Aragon.
Reign remorted to Wizard and now has 5 classes. Gandalf..
Goku remorted to Priest and advanced to level 15. Now he has 4 classes.
Looks like Goku from USA loged in after beeing inactive for very long. Lets see if he stays around.
Cyrnos brother Cavinos started to play astromud as well! Nice!
Dagda finished Remort Quest and advanced to 3rd class as Illusionist. Congratulations with fast Remort, very impressive.
Enceladus resumed to play AstroMUD after 13 years break. Originaly from USA, but currently living in Shanghai.
Played as Mira after pwipe, had ~7 classes as a Paragon, was in clan Anjaan. Currently Enceladus is 32 years old IRL.
Dagda hit level 50 again! Good luck with RQ!
Anonymous manualy reimb for me (Splenderous) Templar Chestplate and 2x Amber earrings. Thank you so much!
Cyrnos from USA started to play again, he's former nickname was Zekyl with 3 Remorts under his belt. Cyrnos is currently 30 years old IRL.
Dagda from Australia completed his 1st Remort Quest by finding 5 RQP. Friend of his on Ardwolf suggested to check out AstroMUD. Dagda is 33 years old IRL.
Kvazi from Latvia Remorted to Mage and now has 4 classes.
Journey to Lycanth Tower was very expensive.
Lost my (Heroic) Moonshroud Satchel of Secrets to to Zither with following contents: When you look inside, you see: BLOODY Chalice (Heroic) Sabatons of the Frontier Guard (2) A Runic Earring of Ancient Amber (glows blue) (glows yellow) (glowing) (Splendorous) Chainmail Templar Knight Chestplate CARD of REIMBURSEMENT (glowing)
(Splenderous) Templar Chestplate will be not easy to replace. Also 140 tokens worth gear is *poof*.
Make sure you have full inventory with not only cursed, but also fragile items when you go to Zither.
the Shards of Adrasil - THE QUEST HAS BEGUN!!
Anonymous has done some hard work and new custom UNIQUE quest is live.
A chance to find and cobine 6 Shards in order to achieve best possible weapon on AstroMUD.
There will be two custom made weapons:
For Remort - Adrasil, The Legendary Dagger of the Omniscient
For Hero - Adrasil, The Legendary Sword of the Omniscient
Exact stats of weapons are currently unknown.